Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Etiquette of Colds

It's tough being down with a cold or flu. It is hard to feel like being considerate of others when you are feeling under the weather. Unfortunately, being sick does comes with extra things to worry about in terms of how you interact with other people.

If you have a cold, make sure you wash your hands regularly--with soap--for at least 20 seconds. That is about the time it takes to sing a verse of a song.  This is a good habit to get into anyways but it is especially true if you are trying to keep from passing germs around.

Avoid touching things in public areas where you may deposit your germs--such as door handles--as much as possible. This is especially true of food items. Do not go squeezing the peaches and leaving them for the next person to pick up.

If you have to sneeze or cough, use a tissue or handkerchief. If you do not have one handy or do not have enough notice, use the inside of your elbow to keep germs from spraying out into the air for others to breath.

Do not throw used tissues around. Especially do not leave them for other people to have to throw them away for you.  If you do not have an immediately available trash receptacle, stick it in your purse or pocket until you do.

When you do sneeze, make sure you say, "Excuse me". 

If possible, when you are sick, stay home to keep from spreading germs as much as possible. This also has the side benefit that people who rest up tend to get well quicker. Do not go anywhere that requires quiet such as a movie theater, if you know you are going to be having coughing fits.

If someone else is sick, say "Bless you" when they sneeze. You do not have to do this for every sneeze but rather for every set. So if they sneeze once and you say, "Bless you" and then sneeze again right away, you do not have to repeat yourself. If they sneeze again ten minutes later, say "Bless you" again.

I know you feel miserable but try your best to help stop spreading those nasty little germs around and to make sure you do not make everyone else miserable while you are.

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