Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Top Ten Etiquette Rules You Should Know

1. Be considerate.  This is the underlying reason behind almost all etiquette rules.

2. Be on time. It is never nice to make some one wait. If you can't be on time, make sure to let them know.

3. Chew with your mouth closed. No one wants to see that.

4. If you are not sure if you should say it or do it, then you probably should not. That may very well be your brain telling you to stop and think.

5. Do not talk during the movie.  People want to hear the actors; not you.

6. Always accept a present graciously and never assume you are owed one. This is true even if it is a hideously colored sweater or a cause you do not believe in. Thank them and then quietly get rid of it later.

7. Do not interrupt someone else when they are speaking. You will get your turn. Unless it is an emergency this is true. If it is an emergency feel free to say, "Excuse me but your hair is on fire."

8. Treat everyone with respect and courtesy even if you do not like them. Etiquette works best on the people we dislike. Of course, it works great with people we like or love too.

9. Do not be rude just because some one else was. Good manners mean behaving well even if everyone else is being a brat.

10. Always RSVP.  Not answering does not automatically mean you are attending or vice versa. Let your host or hostess know for certain.

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