Sunday, December 15, 2013

Are You Tardy Or Just Inconsiderate?

Every one runs late sometimes. There is a backup on the highway or you couldn't find your keys.  It is not a big deal. Call and let some one know you are going to be late. Apologize and move on.

Sometimes being the key word. Everyone is late sometimes.

If you are always late, then you aren't tardy. You are inconsiderate.   Harsh sounding I know but hear me out.  I am not talking about ten minutes. I am talking about regularly being substantially late. 

If you are late every where you go, it says something to people.  It says you think your time is more important than theirs.  It says that you did not want to be there.   It says I was sitting on my couch and could not bother to get up and get ready because I just don't care enough.  It says the fact that I am wasting your time never even occurred to me. Your time is just not as important as mine; not as important as whatever I was doing instead of getting ready.

People do not like to sit around and wait for someone else to show up. Personally I hate being late. I always envision people sitting around checking their watches wondering if they got the time wrong. Worrying if I was in an accident. I feel stupid standing or sitting around (especially in public) and waiting for someone to show. I never want to put some one else through that.  Even if you are home, you can't start any projects or do anything that would mess up the house because you are waiting on people.

I think we all know someone who is habitually late everywhere they go. I don't think any of us think, They must have a busy life.  I think we mostly just think Where are they? and When are they going to get here?

So in case you were wondering, yes, people notice when you are habitually tardy and no, they do not appreciate it. It makes people think less of you and it makes people feel as though they are less to you.  Don't be that person.  If you make plans, then honor them. Honor the people in your life and be respectful of their time and their feelings.  Go be where you are supposed to be.

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