Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Etiquette of Awkward

Every one has had that awkward moment that is too embarrassing to talk about. Maybe you burped during your presentation or you passed gas in front of some one you found attractive.  Maybe you were the one standing there when it happened to someone else.

There is no reason to be nervous or feel awkward if this happens to you.  Simply say, "Excuse me" in a calm voice and start talking about something else.   If someone else does this, simply ignore it.  Etiquette is always about reducing embarrassing and awkward moments. When ever possible, treat it as calmly as possible and move on.

Do not let awkwardness keep you from helping some one else in an embarrassing situation.  For instance, if you see someone whose zipper is down, tell them. State it simply and matter of fact, "Excuse me but your zipper has come undone." 

If someone has bad breath, offer them a mint or a piece of gum. If they have something in their nose, hand them a tissue.  There is no reason to make a big deal out of any of it.  Treat it all as matter of fact as you can and you will save everyone a lot of embarrassment.

After all if it was you, wouldn't you rather have that 30 seconds of awkwardness of some one letting you know? Much better than knowing you waited until you noticed it yourself. Now you don't have to spend the rest of the day wondering how many people saw it before you did.

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